Corporate Web

Natxiondo Rural Hotel

It is located in Ispaster, 7 km from Lekeitio (Bizkaia).

Website designed and developed with the wordpress content manager. Custom and personalised design and development.

Adapted for devices: Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.

3 languages: Basque, Spanish and English.

Natxiondo Landaetxea
Natxiondo Landaetxea

A Custom Designed and Developed Website

Redesign the web and even redesign of the logo.

Through the web site, Jon and Ander of Natxiondo wanted to show the rooms of the hotel, the prices of different seasons, the booking form, how to get there, the surrounding towns and the news section. Above all, they wanted to use the words art and nature to appear, and also to attach importance to the mountain and the sea.

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