Design and Development of Personalised Web Pages, for your Digital Business

¡ hi !

In 2004 the commercial brand ADARNET was launched. This was following many years of commercial, agency and some freelance experience providing graphic design and web page development services in San Sebastian, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Bilbao, Lekeitio, Lea-Artibai region,  Cheltenham and more recently in London.
Although experienced in all areas of web based design and development, including business graphics, photographic and video communications, I am currently focus on the design and development of commercial web pages, (Apps / Apis) and media business contacts / cards.

Fully qualified with a Master in Analysis and Development of Web Applications from Mondragon Unibertsitatea and a Diploma in Visual Arts and Communication from Tracor.
I have also successfully completed many additional courses of study; Image and sound at the Andoain Film and Video school and Multimedia and Interactive Video Course in Tracor.
As well as keeping very much up to date with numerous programming courses both face-to-face and online, I continue to train myself in new web based technologies.

I'm Ion, I Design and Develop Websites and Web Applications.

Hello !


Custom Design and Development, for each Budget...

These questions are for us to get an idea of ​​the project you want to build. After answering these questions, we will contact you by email or phone to arrange a meeting if necessary. It will be necessary to fill out another web form with more specific questions, so that in the end we have clear objectives and the competitive advantages of the client over others, and thus, we can sign a definitive contract adapted to each client.

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