Corporate Web

Maderas Torresar

Wood sawing company, located in Orozko (Bizkaia).

Web site designed and developed with the wordpress content manager. Custom and personalised design and development.

There are 3 different websites or sections created.

Maderas torresar, Termogenik and Maderas Torresar store.

Adapted for devices: Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.

Two languages, in the maderas torresar and Maderas Torresar store secction.

The Termogenik section is in 5 languages.

Maderas Torresar
Termogenik Maderas Torresar

A Custom Designed and Developed
Web site

Redesign the web and even re-design of the logo.

A new section is built. Maderas Torres has a physical store of 600 m2. Therefore, they wanted the website to have a catalog of products that are sold in the store. Adarnet was in charge of the design and development of the product catalog in the Store section.

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This website uses cookies to ensure that you get the best experience on our website. If cookies are rejected, there will be areas on the web, which cannot be seen correctly.